This GINGER BERRY SMOOTHIE isn’t much to look at, but it is possibly the most deliciously tart fruit and veggie smoothie you will ever enjoy!
My husband doesn’t cook. I can count the number of times he’s made me a full meal on one finger, and that was just after I had delivered our firstborn. But he is the keeper to a very tightly held secret – I’m pretty sure he can cook. Not just that, but the man makes the best damn smoothies I’ve ever enjoyed. I consider myself a decent smoothie maker. They taste pretty good and I’m usually able to put in the right balance of ingredients to make it healthy and able to sustain me. But the smoothies my husband makes? My god, they taste good.
I titled this smoothie Ginger Berry, but that’s not even the half of it! If I wasn’t worried about making the title too long, I would have actually named this recipe a Ginger Berry Mango Lemon Peach with-just-the-right-amount-of Spinach Smoothie. You can see why I just stuck with the shorter version.
There are a few things that make this smoothie amazing.
First – fresh ginger. Have you ever had it? Ka-pow! Not only is it insanely good for you, but boy does it kick that flavor into high gear.
Second – the lemon. It adds just the right amount of tart to make your lips smack.
Third – the canned peaches. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that he uses my homemade canned peaches that taste better than any preserved peach you’ll ever find in a store, but every smoothie needs liquid to make it blend properly and peach juice is far better tasting than water.
Fourth – the mango. We love using frozen because they’re already cut up and mangoes really are a pain to cut. Plus, we don’t live in Hawaii. Not to mention you need a bit of frozen in every smoothie and using frozen fruit allows you to avoid watering it down with ice.
Fifth – the strawberries. He throws them in stems and all. I’m guessing its mostly because he’s lazy, but it doesn’t hurt to blend up those leaves.
And finally – the spinach. Spinach is the most perfect green to add to your smoothie because it doesn’t alter the taste one bit and that dark green leaf is so good for you.
Well, that was more than a few reasons why this smoothie was amazing, but don’t take my word for it. Take these beautiful ingredients, blend it up into this ugly concoction, and enjoy the most tantalizing smoothie that will ever pass your lips!

- 1 cup canned peaches with juice
- 2 cups frozen mango
- 1 cup whole strawberries leaves included
- 2 big handfuls fresh spinach
- 1 chunk about 1/2 inch long fresh ginger
- ½ lemon peel removed
- Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth. Enjoy!
Have I got you interested in canning your own peaches? Here’s how I made my own canned vanilla bean peaches.
If you love smoothies and venturing out of your comfort zone, you might want to try one of my other favorites – this healthy chocolate protein smoothie.
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